

I am a 43 year old, single mother who happens to think my children are amazing. (I know, who doesn’t?) My health has never been the greatest, and the older I get, the faster I seem to forget things. So I decided to start this so I would have a place to keep track of all of my memories of these four outstanding young people.

At this point, I haven’t told them that I’m writing this blog yet. I wonder how much they’ll hate it? Do you have a teenage daughter? Have you ever noticed that if you post a photo of your teenager on Facebook, they freak out, but they can post a thousand “selfies” a day? I guess we’ll see when I finally show them my blog…..


Secret: I write more than blogs! I’ve got a novel out currently and can be found here or here or here. I personally find the price too high, but hell…I’ve got a lot of kids to support here! LOL!

Comment if you like, trash me to pieces if that’s the way your wind blows, but I’ll continue to post and tell stories of my children. Maybe you’ll learn something that you didn’t know before. Maybe you’ll teach ME something that I should’ve known all along. Welcome to my journey.